The Danish authority representing Coastal Rescue Service Denmark made an agreement with Maritime Partner of purchase of up to 13 boats type Alusafe 1070. Our experiences so far with the boats are only good. The cooperation we meet with Maritime Partner have been open and professional.
I would like to give a particular praise to the production staff who is working consistent
and professional with focus quality, finish and fulfilling our expectations.
Dalo - Danish Ministry of Defense - Acquisition and Logistics Organisation

The Ports of Aalesund has been strongly involved in the building process since the start of the project. Good information has been distributed from Maritime Partner AS throughout the entire process. Maritime Partner AS has, since the start, been set to build the best platform according to the specifications, and customized boat made to meet our needs The whole build process and final product shows good quality and it is clear that the work has been done by professionals.
After a public procurement process, Maritime Partner was given the contract for building the new fire and rescue vessel to Bergen fire department. Bergen fire department experienced Maritime Partner as a serious and well organized during the building process. The communication between the manager at Maritime Partner and the project group in Bergen fire department was very satisfying.
Bergen Kommune - Bergen Brannvesen

Background experiences and thoughts around Sjøbjørn 25 MK lII. The boat is directionally stable and has excellent seaworthiness and it behaves very similar if there are 1 or 8 man aboard. Documentation is clearly structured and good to understand. Conclusion so far, the Navy and Coast Guard, is satisfied with Sjøbjørn 25 MK lII.
We feel that Maritime Partners RHIB's is handling rough sea well and is a safe working platform even in hard weather. We have a large amount of operating hours on our boats and some boats are in use dally. The RHIB's has a functional construction of operation postilion and can be easily operated.