

The ALUSAFE 1350 LDB, Light Diving Boat is built according to «DET NORSKE VERITAS STANDARD FOR CERTIFICATION NO. 2.21 CRAFT, APRIL 2010».
The boat is designed for a crew of 6, one helmsman and five crew members. The wheelhouse will be fitted with six RECARO chairs with dampening, whereof two are fitted at the diving control station desk for the operation of diving equipment.
The vessel is fitted with an A-frame type davit at the stern with a certified lifting capacity of 500 kg. On each side, there will be a diver recovery davit with a SWL of 300 kg. The diver recovery davits will be arranged so they can easily be removed. The vessel's aft deck will be fitted with a fastening point for deployment arrangements for multibeam, SBH, and HPR. Optimization for ROV.
The boat has a total fuel capacity of 800 liters, (2 x 400 ltr.). Freshwater capacity: 100 liters. Window flushing: 5 ltr.
Two fuel oil tanks, made of aluminum, each with a capacity of 400 liters, are installed. The tanks are fitted with inspection hatches for access for inspection and cleaning.
One generator is mounted in the tank room, type a Mase Mariner 1150T. The generator uses a Yanmar diesel engine with a synchronous, self-excited alternator.